I have whiskey in my left hand and a rolled-up dollar bill in my right. In front of me on a wooden coffee table are broken up lines of blow, ready...
True Story... YOU WILL CHANGE FOR THE BETTER IN SOBRIETY!!! Recovery is scary AF and a lot of things in your life will change but it’s all...
Waking up HANGOVER FREE after my birthday for the 5th year in a row!! Feels so good not to feel like an ashamed shit bag! Yes, birthdays are...
Throwback to living in a world of shame, hate, anger, loneliness, self-sabotage and a Mindset of thinking I didn't deserve any good in my world....
Let it Go...Couldn't agree MORE!!
This past weekend has been a happy but emotional one for me celebrating my 5 years. When you celebrate this...
My favorite day of the year is here!! I love this day more than my birthday, the Oscars, Sundays or any major holiday. I'm 5 today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
...SOBER on Bourbon Street!!!!! Here is what I have learned in a life..no matter where you go there you are!! Before I left on this trip, I had...
Alright friends... I'm going to open up this discussion if you are not comfy talking about it.DON'T but for me, it took a bit of time to get used...