Journal Prompts for Staying Sober

early recovery self-care & personal development Apr 05, 2022

Staying sober is a journey. A tough one. Every single day you have to make the decision to stay clean and stay sober. Now, okay, some days are easy, but some days are really, REALLY hard. Especially at the beginning of recovery. 


Over the last 9-ish years of my sobriety journey, I’ve created a lot of habits that I practice on a daily basis [you can read more about my habits and tricks here and here]. And one of them is looking inward. Be that meditation, journaling, or some other form of personal development, you need to be asking yourself questions to better yourself and your life.


Journaling is a fantastic way to look inward and get your feelings out instead of feeling like they’re just bottled up inside and about to explode at any shaky moment. Daily journaling is a great habit to hold yourself accountable for your sobriety as well.

Feel free to use any or all of these ideas for your journal prompts to help keep you focused on your track of sobriety!


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  1. Food journal
  2. Remind yourself WHY you’re sticking to your sobriety guns

  3. What do you feel is going wrong in your life right now? What is going right?

  4. Name 3 things you can do to improve your situation and help with your stress. 

  5. Make a list of your greatest qualities and show appreciation for them.

  6.  Write a letter of forgiveness to yourself.

  7.  After a long day, the kindest thing that I can do for myself is… 

  8. Make a list of all your emotions right now, or make those awesome mood trackers:
  9. When I’m working on breaking my drinking habit I…

  10. What am I losing because of my addiction?

  11. List all the good things that you’ll feel or experience when you don’t indulge in your urge to drink

  12. Do I want my life to be hard now and easy later, or easy now and very hard later?

  13. Doodle a Recovery Mantra 


 If you need support in your sobriety, join my free Facebook Group Sober Vibes!

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